6 Benefits to Journaling
Journaling can be anything you want it to be. For me, it’s just a simple way of putting thoughts and emotion down on paper (or even typing into an app or on your computer). It’s helpful for me whenever I’m trying to come up with new ideas and brainstorming, needing to gain clarity, or wanting to remember/remind myself of things. It’s a great way to keep a record in case you ever want to look back, but it also has quite a few health/brain benefits!
Being mindful: So often many of us are rushing through our busy days with “so much to do and so little time.” Taking just a small amount of time out of every day for YOU is extremely important and connecting to your thoughts through journaling (or meditation) can be a great way to bring a little more mindfulness into your life.
Boost memory: You know how if you take notes during a class it helps you learn faster? Or if you wake up from a dream and you write it down right away you're more likely to remember it? Journaling can be used not only as a physical copy of your memories but also just helps you to remember them in the first place! Your brain is more likely to make connections and store information that you write down.
Emotional release (Reduce Stress): We all have many thoughts during the day and sometimes there are fears, anxieties, and stressors that can build up and be difficult to communicate to others but are also unhealthy to hold inside of us. Writing is a great way to reflect, process, and use as an outlet to release any of those challenging thoughts/emotions.
Creativity: If you can allow yourself to create a stream of consciousness, writing down any and all thoughts that go through your head, you may be surprised with what you can come up with! Use your imagination, explore your thoughts, and get creative.
Organization: On the flip side of free flowing creativity, journaling can also bring you structure and clarity. You can use it for brainstorming goals, planning, writing what you need to get done for the day, etc.
Sense of Self: Having a journaling routine not only cultivates self-discipline/control, but it also connects you to your inner self in a way that can expand your self-awareness (processing what you’re doing and how you’re feeling in your life). It can even boost your self-confidence and self-esteem by writing down things like your goals, skills, beliefs, accomplishments, wins, and what makes you unique (basically a journal about why you’re awesome because I guarantee that you are, even if you don’t feel like it right now).
What are some other ways that journaling benefits you?
If you’ve struggled to keep a journal in the past, start by setting a timer for just 5 minutes every day and simply write anything that comes to mind and slowly start to create the habit. The Center for Journal Therapy also has a simple 5-step process to help get you writing (to read more details about this method click here). In short, it’s:
W hat topic?
R eview/reflect
I nvestigate
T ime yourself
E xit smart
At the end of the day, you need to find a method that works for you! Whether that’s in the morning or at night, taking five minutes or an hour, several times a day or once a week, writing in a designated journal or jotting down notes on your phone…you decide! But introducing the habit of journaling definitely made a positive impact in my life and I hope it does for you as well :)